2025 Summer Schedule

Times shown are starting times, please allow time to park and get set up. Click on the links below for a map of the location.

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April 297:00pmRehearsal at Roseville Lutheran Church
May 67:00pmRehearsal at Roseville Lutheran Church
May 137:00pmRehearsal at Roseville Lutheran Church
May 207:00pmRehearsal at Roseville Lutheran Church
May 277:00pmRehearsal at Roseville Lutheran Church
June 37:00pmRehearsal at Roseville Lutheran Church
June 6
7:00pmTentative: 4-H Pie Social
June 107:00pmRehearsal at Roseville Lutheran Church
June 177:00pmRehearsal at Roseville Lutheran Church
June 247:00pmJohanna Shores (Presbyterian Home)Follow signs for “The Gable”
3220 Lake Johanna Blvd, Arden Hills, MN 55112
Take the left driveway to the lower parking lot with the flagpole and brick building
July 1
July 4
NOONLake Como Pavilion
1360 Lexington Pkwy N, St. Paul, MN 55103
July 86:30pmSholom Home East on W 7th St.
740 Kay Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55102
July 156:45pmLyngblomsten Care Center
1415 Almond Ave W, St Paul, MN 55108
July 227:00pmSt. Anthony Park Home
2237 Commonwealth Ave, St. Paul, MN 55108
July 297:00pmLake Como Pavilion
1360 Lexington Pkwy N, St. Paul, MN 55103
August 57:00pmAlden Square ParkBring your own chair!
1169 Gibbs Ave, St. Paul, MN 55108
August 127:00pmRosePointe
2555 Hamline Ave, Roseville, MN 55113
August 197:00pmCoffman CondominiumsBring your own chair!
1666 Coffman Street, St. Paul, MN 55108
August 22
1:30pmState Fair Mall Parade
Lineup is in the parking lot on the south side of Como Ave.
The parade departs promptly a little before 2:00 pm!
August 266:00pmPicnic at the Husby’s
1700 Ridgewood Ln S, Roseville, MN 55113

Other potential venues:

4-H Pie SocialBring your own chair!
Como Ave & Luther Place, on the Seminary grounds